Amanda Fok Practical MC Course (Advanced)
The MC advance course takes students beyond their interpretation potential and understanding to develop an MC style that is uniquely them. The class also deepens the skills learned in previous MC basic classes by integrating what has been studied. The course prepares students for professional development.
Application requirements
Completion of the Amanda Fok Practical MC Basic course
Course content
How to charm on stage
Build an "interactive" relationship with your audience
Fully use your voice and voice projection to a microphone
Use of energy levels in different situations
Stable, relaxed and exciting emotion control skills
Course Dates
Date: January 16 & 23, 2022
Time: 12:00nn ~ 6:00pm
Venue: Room D, 8/F, Wing Hin Factory Building, 31-33 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon
Deadline for registration: first come first served
Tuition fee:
Original price: HK$ 4,180 per person
Discount for two persons HK$ 3,880 per person
Tel: 5299 5966 (Whatsapp)
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