2nd MC Training Course Student
Crystal Wu
"One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage", it is not easy to perform on stage. Who would have thought that standing on stage could be such an empowering and exciting experience? I want to learn MC skills through a workshop, but there are few MC courses available in the market, which I felt good until I found Amanda held an "HKAAA MC training course.
Amanda is a passionate and dedicated teacher who wants to pass on all her experience so that students can learn from it as well! Short but intensive MC course that will teach you everything from how to be a better MC incredible skills in MC. You'll never regret taking this class! Her boldness to let us participate in the real live emcee work is something that I admire. Because she trusts us, we can do better for our MC performance.
Since becoming a host and MC, I've used the knowledge from Amanda's MC class. It has helped me out in my career! I have had some successes in public competitions, but I need to keep working and practising if I want to act as an MC or host will be good enough. Thanks so much, Amanda, for always giving me the opportunity. I appreciate it.
I am looking forward to learning from you again soon! ^@*